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Justice League of America #226 (1984)
Justice League of America #227 (1984)
Justice League of America #228 (1984)
Justice League of America #229 (1984)
Justice League of America #230 (1984)
Justice League of America #231 (1984)
Justice League of America #232 (1984)
Kick-Ass vs Hit Girl #1A (2020)
Kick-Ass vs Hit Girl #1C (2020)
Killmonger 5 (2019)
Kingdom Come 2 (1996)
Kingdom Come 4 (1996)
Low 2 (2014)
Low 3 (2014)
Low 4 (2014)
Marvel Age 11 (1983)
Marvel Age 44 (1986)
Marvel Age 46 (1986)
Marvel Age 9 (1983)
Marvel Comics Presents #1 (1988)
Marvel Comics Presents #12A (1989)
Marvel Comics Presents #13A (1988)
Marvel Comics Presents #17A (1989)
Marvel Comics Presents #18A (1988)